The Pan Peninsula project is a signature regenerative development in the Millennium Quarter Masterplan and comprises two residential towers, one of 50 storeys, the second 40 storeys consisting of 750 residential units. Two residential towers, linked by a multi-purpose podium, feature luxury apartments with dramatic views over east London.  The principle design concept for each tower centres around a cruciform of stone, marked on the corners with individual towers of floor-to-ceiling glass. A single-story glass ribbon wraps around and through the cruciform of each tower, setting the towers into the surrounding context. Ancillary massing above the podium houses both the health club and mechanical spaces, with a large landscaped garden set between the towers.
The design works along a “kit of parts” concept, where Lounge/kitchen, Bedroom/bathroom components are arranged adjacent to one another such that additional components can be added to increase the overall unit size.  The units are arranged around a central core to optimise inset corners where balconies can be located to ensure wind shading.  With this typology, façade systems were created to work with the functions.  The lounge spaces benefit from floor to ceiling glass giving access to views, natural light and natural ventilation, and the bedrooms are designed with slot window configuration to increase privacy.  The “kit of parts” concept highlights the concept of day/night spatial organisation within residential units and allows for maximum flexibility through potential combination of units to accommodate larger families.  Subtle setback forms and programmatic shifts at the top of each tower create outdoor terrace spaces for large duplex and penthouse units. This massing arrangement creates iconic and recognizable building forms, and a dynamic and signature skyline profile.
Designed with SOM

View from the South

View from the South

Night View

View from the East

View of the Residential Entrance and Drop-off

View of the Waterside

Ground Floor Plan

Typical Tower Floor Plans

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